Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Cami's Faves

PLEASE don't ignore the post below that Trisha put up. Go down and read it first, then peruse this, if you choose.

I'm feeling bad that I've not done my very own assignment! So I'll post my faves.

Since I'm feeling a little adventurous and lazy at the same time, I think I'll just post my favorites shelf from Shelfari, then you can see them, and hover over them if you want my reviews. Let's see if this works:

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

That's a couple more than 10, but you'll all have to deal!

It WAS hard to choose though. Perhaps we'll have to post our favorites of different genres in the future--or recommendations, which are definitely different than favorites!


  1. I will try to remember my favorite books. These are in no particular order.
    The Work and Glory series
    Bayern books
    Count of Monte Cristo
    10 Little Indians
    The Spring of the Tiger
    A Tale of Two Cities
    Nancy Drew
    Cronicles of Prydain
    These are all books I remember that made me happy to be reading them. Most are from my childhood.

  2. I can't find where you post on this blog, so I just had to comment for my list. HELP
